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Hi, I’m tigattack.

I live in Bristol, UK, and work as a Systems Engineer.

I have a keen interest in technology, almost anything automotive, mountain biking, and surfing, but I’ll probably only post about the first two here.

Growing up in rural Devon in a low-tech family, I had little exposure to technology until I was a young teen, at which point I dove into it head-first and haven’t looked back.

I discovered the concept of “home-labbing” by accident when I was 16, after being given a mini PC with an Intel [email protected] and a whole 2GB RAM(!) I shoved a few 120GB spinners into it, and thus it all began.

Since then, I’ve expanded my lab to 3 sites, comprising a number of rack servers, mini PCs (slightly better than my first though), Raspberry Pi’s, an HP Gen8 MicroServer, a custom/whitebox build, and so on.

When I’m not working or labbing, you’re likely to find me under my car or out in the countryside.

Where you can find me:

Unless otherwise stated, all images on this site are my own.
In cases where I am unable to use one of my own images, credit is given when possible.
