If you know me, you’ll know I often spend far too much time solving simple problems with less simple solutions.
Luckily for you, the reader, most of these projects are available on my GitHub. Hopefully some of them can help you.
Here are some of my favourites:
Send Veeam B&R session summary notifications to Discord, Slack, and Teams. Get CPU & GPU temperatures and fan and battery statistics from your Mac. A Telegraf deployment script for Windows [Server] environments. Cogs for the Red-based Homelab Discord server bot. Red Discord Bot Docker imagetigattack/VeeamNotifyPowerShell508tigattack/macOS-hardware-statsC40tigattack/Install-Telegraf-PoSHPowerShell71rHomelab/LabBot-CogsPython3614rHomelab/Red-DiscordBot-DockerShell91